Welcome to the Federal & Provincial
KSH Green Party Associations
KSH Green Party Associations
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that the Kitchener South - Hespeler Green Party Associations are working on the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee, Anishnaabe and Attawandaron (Neutral) people. We recognize the intertwined connections between climate justice, Indigenous rights, and social justice. We commit to doing our part to ensure Indiginous sovereignty and leadership is in the heart of our fight for a safe climate, preservation of biodiversity, and socially just communities.
An Endorsement for Jessica Riley, our 2025 Kitchener South-Hespeler Green MPP Candidate
A word from David Weber, our 2022 Candidate:
"For quite some time now, more and more people are voting Green, aware that the party consistently has the most fair and practical grassroots solutions that the traditional elite serving parties won’t touch.
Having been your Kitchener South - Hespeler candidate several times, I’ve heard some people say they voted Green only because they believed in me as an honest and competent person worthy of being their elected representative. To those people I say, I am not putting my name forward to run in this snapped early election; however, I don’t consider myself stepping aside.
Rather, I am stepping behind Jessica Riley, who has my utmost confidence and support to be our local Green Party of Ontario Candidate, and ask that you join me in giving her your support in every way you can! Help her join our Leader Mike Schreiner and others as Green MPPs at Queens Park. Nothing will improve Ontario’s government more than having more Greens present to speak up for us."
Kitchener South - Hespeler Greens
Welcome to the Kitchener South - Hespeler Green Party Associations' Home Page. We represent our local interests in both the Green Party of Ontario, and the Green Party of Canada. Local Green members of the federal and provincial parties have chosen, from amongst our membership, volunteers to be Executive Members on our Associations in order to manage our community green efforts.
We are here to connect with our neighbours, and to help people understand how electing our green candidates will improve our local communities, contribute to a better province, and build a stronger nation. While we do want our candidates elected, it goes beyond that.
The Green Difference
Our vision of democracy includes continuous engagement within our communities. We are citizens of Canada, Ontario, and the Kitchener South- Hespeler riding all the time, not just during election campaigns. We need to elect representatives that will listen to our ideas, and hear our concerns. And we must hold our representatives accountable for how they stand for us in Queen’s Park, or on Parliament Hill. As Green Party members, we believe that representatives should always vote in the best interests of the people that elected them, not the way their party leadership tells them to.
There are differences between traditional party structures and those of the Green Parties of Ontario and Canada. A few of these differences are:
Green Party Members Make Green Party Policy
All political parties have their members debate, vote and pass policy resolutions; However, only the Green Party has their successful membership's resolutions always become binding party policy. Other parties consider their members' resolutions to be only suggestions, and their leaders are free to push their personal agendas or those of the lobbyists they cozy up to, even when those agendas go against the wishes of their membership.
Any citizen can become a Green Party member and make a proposal to be discussed and debated by the membership at large. It becomes our official policy if two thirds of voting members approve of it and it is then binding upon the leader to advocate for it. This is true grassroots democracy.
Proportional Representation
Creating a better, more fair democracy is a core value of Green parties everywhere. We believe that no party should be able to garner 100% of the power with only 39% of the vote, as our current system allows. We believe electoral reform is needed in the form of proportional representation and multi-partisan collaboration, where a government would represent the voices of all voters.
Representing the Local Voters
We are against whipped voting in parliament and the legislature (where a representative votes as their party leader instructs them.) This is why we also believe in a 100% local nomination process. Elected Greens are bound by their Green Charter to put the interests of their local constituents ahead of the party's political interest.
Our Kitchener South - Hespeler Green Party candidates will listen to you and will have your interests at heart; this one theme will always be true. We want to further a just society that is compassionate, honest and ethical - making quality of life a priority.
We believe in doing politics differently. If you share our values and our vision for local participatory politics, take a positive step - JOIN US!
A Message from Mike
Green Party of Ontario Leader
Mike Schreiner
Mike Schreiner
We are so proud to have Mike Schreiner, our green leader and Guelph MPP, speaking up at Queen's Park, for all of us.
In this video, Mike asks the Premier if he will listen to the people who do not want him to touch the Greenbelt.
Greens Get Together
Join Green Minded People for Hikes, Litter CleanUps and Other Events.
Whether you are a member, a volunteer, or just interested in meeting us and sharing some time together, you are welcome to come join us.
Find events on our calendar.
Find events on our calendar.